The Right to Amend the Electronic Contract Analytical Study of Consumer Contracts

Document Type : Original Article


PhD of Law, Ain Shams University



The purpose of the legislations with regard to the process of regulating contractual relations in consumer contracts particularly, is to provide the extent necessary & appropriate of protection for the consumer in a confrontation with the professional in order to create balance with the relative of a contractual relationship that brings together one party weak cognitively and economically, and the second party who is strong and possesses the experience, knowledge and economic power comparing to the consumer.

Therefore, the legislation concerned with intervening and stipulate granting the consumer a set of rights or options including the right of amend in the electronic contract which the consumer usually proceeds to conclude in haste without sufficient thought and without having complete enlightened satisfaction, then the consumer finds himself in contract on issues that do not satisfy his demands and its dependents and here, it appears the role & the importance of granting the consumer the right to amend from the contract in accordance with specific terms, and during a certain time period, during the validity the consumer amend the electronic contract, taking into account the interest of the second party is not harmed.

In this view, this study dealt the most important legal aspects of The right of amend in the electronic contract such as the realization of the right to amend from the contract from other options that may be similar to it, its justifications & legal basis and the time-limit granted to the one for whom this right is decided in his favor and the legal implications arising from the use of this right.


Consumer protection - The principle of the binding force of the contract - Justifications for the right to amend -Term of amend from the contract - Effects of amend from the contract.


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